
Wednesday, December 8, 2010

The Fun House in Hell

I feel its time for a story:

This past summer, I took a job at a summer camp. It was a good job and basically had me looking after children of different ages in groups with other group leaders. We took field trips, played in the pool, did summer activities ect. There was around 6 different groups of different ages that were kept separate, I sort of floated from group to group each day to help out. There were many good and bad highlights to this job, such as the strawberry incident.
I was looking after the "kindergardeners" (4-5ish year olds). We were serving fruit for snack that day. One of the four year olds was looking sadly down at her fruit when I asked what was wrong.
"I don't like all the other fruits, I just like strawberries."
Being the nice tempered person I am,  I removed the other fruits from her plate and just gave her the strawberries. She then started crying.
"I don't like it when my strawberries are cut"
I tried to reason with her, telling her that strawberries taste no different cut than whole.... But no luck.
As she started crying louder, I decided to go to the kitchen and try to find some whole strawberries, but STILL no luck. She eventually launched herself into a hysterical temper tantrum that could only be remedied by feeding her WHOLE strawberries. AH the stress was big that day. It just goes to show why I will wait until my temper cools down to have children and why I will NEVER be a teacher. 
Still nothing can top the embarrassment of the trip to the amusement park. I was stuck with the 4-5 year olds again (which I usually didn't mind), everything was going well until we came upon the
Yes that is a giant gorilla
As you can tell, this is not your average fun house. It had moving floors, several levels and most importantly: A GIANT ANIMATRONIC GORILLA on the outside. This immediately attracted several young children who wanted to go in to see. Since the other girl I was working with hated rides, she stuck me in with 5 young children by myself in this bundle of joy. Things weren't going too bad, I mean the floor shook, there was a nice maze, it leads to an outside ramp half way through. But when we got to the second part, things started to get bad.
Imagine, your in my position. You walk down a short staircase into a dark claustrophobic hallway with five, four to five year old children. They start to cling to you like magnets. You then turn a sharp corner and there is a 3D glow in the dark, menacing, life-sized gorilla statue staring back at you. END SCENE
Now a normal sized adult would probably not be too shocked by this sudden turn of evens, however 5 young four and five year olds might have a bit of a problem with an animal barring its multicolored teeth at them. They immediately screamed and refused to move any further.
After much coaxing and no progress, I suggested we should turn back. As soon as we were out into the open air, retracing our steps. The teenage ride operator yelled up at me and screamed we COULDN'T turn back. I mean I have 5 crying children clinging to me and this damn GIRL WON'T let me GO BACK? So I had to lead my crew through the terrifying maze, dragging half of them, carrying at least one.
Things went very slow, there was a bit of a lag when we passed the painting of a clown holding another clowns decapitated head, but other than that we made it out alive. As soon as they saw daylight, they ran the hell out of there. Who could blame them? I'm pretty scared of gorillas now too.

Monday, December 6, 2010


Sorry I haven't posted in a while people... life's just been happening extra life-y this week. 
I have a cold. It was pretty bad last night when I awoke every two hours to strange dreams about bugs, jellyfish and whatnot. Then finally got up for good at 5am when I decided to watch Super nanny (god knows why) for an hour. Under normal circumstances I would have found this TV show extremely annoying and a large waste of time, but at 5am, all things start to take on an odd majestical feeling .... and it was all right.
I draged myself out of bed and into my first class. I literally thought I was going to pass out. I've never actually fainted before but this was probably the closest I have ever come to it. I expected a large amount of embarrassment if these events were to play out in that way, and possibly a knight in shining armor situation. You know when you faint, the man rushes to your side as you slowly regain consciousness in a daze, gazing into each others eyes. HAHA. 
Well my fainting fantasy did not come true, but I decided to play it safe and go see the nurse anyways. I really just wanted to be released from the cold world of high school, curl up on my couch and watch movies until the cold that was festering inside my body ran the hell out of there. BUT THE STUPID SCHOOL NURSE WOULDN'T LET ME. 
This is probably one of the worst things about high school. ANY OTHER PLACE of business you can just go up to your boss, say you feel like shit and leave, but NO. In high school you have to go visit a 'nurse' (who isn't even a full on nurse most of the time), so you can let them stick a cold thermometer in your mouth. If you don't have a fever high enough, they send you off with some ibuprofen and tums back into the crewel, loud, unforgiving world. 
Needless to say I now have one hell of a grudge. I did make it through the day though. Miserably.