
Wednesday, November 24, 2010


I am absolutely terrified of cats. Yes this is a strange fear. Yes I have a back story

When I was about 10ish I was living with my mother and sister in a real old house. Were talking like 1800's here people. Anyways It had scary as shit basement that came out into the kitchen and had an opening through a creepy unlocking door with no hinge that could be pushed open. This door was in the garage.
It was trash day and Little Lili just went to sleep, my mother put out the trash for the next day and DIDN'T close the garage door, (now keep in mind we lived in a small safe area of town). Everything was going fine until about 3am when some SCARY shit started getting REAL.
I awoke to loud meowing noises, and then felt weight on my legs. I immediately awoke and looked at the intruder, IT WAS A BLACK CAT, it also had scary eyes like cats do. 
I was traumatized so I ran into my mothers room, and she chased the cat out of the house with a broom.
Turns out that the evil demon crept into my house through the basement door, up the stairs, into the kitchen, then went up ANOTHER flight of stairs, into my room (which was one of 3 rooms it could have gone into), and then on to MY BED. What the hell.
I guess cats are out to get me.

....and that my friends is why I am scared of cats. 


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