
Monday, December 6, 2010


Sorry I haven't posted in a while people... life's just been happening extra life-y this week. 
I have a cold. It was pretty bad last night when I awoke every two hours to strange dreams about bugs, jellyfish and whatnot. Then finally got up for good at 5am when I decided to watch Super nanny (god knows why) for an hour. Under normal circumstances I would have found this TV show extremely annoying and a large waste of time, but at 5am, all things start to take on an odd majestical feeling .... and it was all right.
I draged myself out of bed and into my first class. I literally thought I was going to pass out. I've never actually fainted before but this was probably the closest I have ever come to it. I expected a large amount of embarrassment if these events were to play out in that way, and possibly a knight in shining armor situation. You know when you faint, the man rushes to your side as you slowly regain consciousness in a daze, gazing into each others eyes. HAHA. 
Well my fainting fantasy did not come true, but I decided to play it safe and go see the nurse anyways. I really just wanted to be released from the cold world of high school, curl up on my couch and watch movies until the cold that was festering inside my body ran the hell out of there. BUT THE STUPID SCHOOL NURSE WOULDN'T LET ME. 
This is probably one of the worst things about high school. ANY OTHER PLACE of business you can just go up to your boss, say you feel like shit and leave, but NO. In high school you have to go visit a 'nurse' (who isn't even a full on nurse most of the time), so you can let them stick a cold thermometer in your mouth. If you don't have a fever high enough, they send you off with some ibuprofen and tums back into the crewel, loud, unforgiving world. 
Needless to say I now have one hell of a grudge. I did make it through the day though. Miserably.

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