
Monday, October 11, 2010

Hello World

Do you know what really gets me angry? Nuts. You see I am allergic to these little packets of dread. I constantly have to watch out for them in everything I eat. 
A good example of this is when I go to Cold stone (you know the ice-cream place). They mix their ice-cream on that stone in front of you, but they don't really clean it. So I constantly have to ask them to make it in the "back". As soon as these words are spoken, you can see the dread and annoyance on their faces. They think, "Oh god why is this girl asking me to go and put in the extra effort just so she can live???"And when they give it back to me I have to worry if i'm eating their saliva or something. 
So anyways back to the story I was going to tell. Last night my mother got re-married. Everything was going just awesome, the ceremony in the park, reception in a lounge, until the entrees arrived. It was a sort of "serve your self, buffet style" meal so i was naturally one of the first people in line. I take a large helping of everything including pumpkin raviolis, some sort of pork, mac and cheese, and finally some sort of Japanese noodle dish. I sit down and start digging in like a penguin who hasn't seen fish in 12 days. I eat ONE BITE of the Japanese noodle dish and I start feeling my tongue and lips get big, and then it gets hard to swallow. I start panicking and everyone around me freaks out. I am having an allergic reaction at MY MOTHERS WEDDING. I try hard not to have a nervous breakdown, but the inevitable happens. Thankfully it didn't get much worse than me feeling like shit, itching all over because of the hives, and having the worst cough ever. After I was all stoned out on 3 benedryl I felt a lot better, HAHA no, just kidding. I danced until the benadryl wore off, had some stomach problems, and sat in the corner. But all in all it was pretty fun. 

1 comment:

  1. Ahh! So tired tonight, will post again tomorrow! Thanks to the few people who have logged in! Keep supporting this meager blog... I WANT SUCESS!!
