
Sunday, February 6, 2011

So, sad news this week, The White Stripes have officially broken up. For those of you who have not heard of this fantastic band you MUST check them out. They are probably one of the greatest alternative bands of this generation. They say on their website ( that the reasons they are splitting is not because of health reasons (i.e. Meg White's recent anxiety problems), or lack of wanting to continue. It is simply because of "a myriad of reasons, but mostly to preserve what is beautiful and special about the band and have it stay that way". Now I am slightly confused by this statement but, I am not inside Jack White's brilliant mind.... so I guess that's that.

The Union Forever..... My absolute favorite White Stripes song from their 2001 release, White Blood Cells

What I am excited for is PANIC AT THE DISCO!! They are debuting their junior album sometime in the spring. It is called "Vices and Virtues" and I CAN'T wait. Now I might not seem like the type to love "Panic" but there is just something about their sound that is fantastic. I love Brandon Urie's smooothh voice. and Pretty. Odd was defiantly the better album out of the two. I am a bit concerned about the departure of half of the group back in 2009. Im not really sure how this will affect their sound but I am hoping it will be for the better. 

PS: I can tots play this on the guitar, its pretty sick-nasty.
PSS: More album releases! The Red Hot Chili Peppers are coming out with their 10th studio album sometime in the fall-ish!

In other Lili-related news:
I have noticed a weird thing about myself. I absolutely HATE it when people like the same things as me. Its like I have this primal need to be the only one who likes anything and stand out. This can range from certain types of music, TV shows, and even foods. For example, a few months ago, like in november? There was a Glee episode that at the end had a Florence + the Machine song in it (the worst one, AND they totally ruined it). The next day I look on Facebook and basically ALL my strange theatre friends (which double as Glee lovers) had quotes from the "Dog Days are Over" on their status saying "OMJESUS I LOVE FLORENCE BLAHBLAHBLAHHAPPYLOVEYBLAH". I was SO angry. I liked Florence back in APRIL. APRIL. Back the HELL off. Listening to her has never been the same since. Also whenever I look on someone's profile that they like House. I get really angry. I think: "I like House more than you, you don't have my high caliber of unhealthy obsession that I do, you don't own a House themed calendar!" (fo realz). So do I have some kind of disorder, because I know that if I am the only person who loves a certain band, or TV show, it will probably not make any money and cease to exist. I might have a problem here so, HELP!

Sunday, January 23, 2011


Well folks I am not dead, I have not been eaten by bears or contracted some sort of crazy disease. The truth is, the holidays were just too much for my simple mind to comprehend, and then January was just INSANE. Then that ever present final's pressure just crushed my fragile soul. But I AM BACK (for what, the second time?). Whatever. I just knew that my crowd of adoring fans were dying to have me right another fantastic post for them. HAHA JOKES.
Anywayzz what better way to bring back my reasurgence than with
DREAMS. ohhahooohoh. Exciting. 
So last night I had the strangest dream. It was really vivid, and had that spark. You know, where it just does not get out of your mind. So, I wrote it down and sort of analyzed it using my trusty 'dream interpretation' book I got a few years back. Here it is:

It starts off a bit fuzzy but bear with me (haha fuzzy + bear = pun)
Im sick, I don't know specifically whats wrong but its something to do with my heart. Apparently, the ONLY cure for this problem is having some sort of weird invasive surgery that is risky and painful and involves me being awake. Its sort of like the TV show House, but the characters are not actually there. So I finally get the weird surgery and its gruesome and painful ect. After, I get a huge-ass scar on my stomach. Then I go home, and for some reason I think the surgery didn't work and I am defiantly going to die. Im sad because I haven't really done anything in life.
Later, two of these people come over (one who I like, and one who is a reall bitch) and are sad and the bitchy one is nice. The non bitchy one offers me syringes full of morphine for the pain... can you even have syringes full of morphine? I don't know, but anyways one is just to feel good now, another is for when Im about to die. It gets fuzzy after this, and theres more sympathizing and obsessing over my big scar. For some reason I wear short shirts so people can see it. 
THEN I get teleported?? to this school which kind of reminded me of an underground subway station with no trains. Im walking around with my friends (I still have the scar and think Im going to die) when suddenly my best friend gets attacked by this other guy I know. He starts making out with her, and Im rulllll jealous, even though he is pretty unattractive. Then another girl pulls me up these (dirty) stairs into this (dirty) co-ed bathroom. There are two guys I know in it. She looks in the mirror and checks her makeup while I show one of the guys my massive (still healing) scar. He starts freaking out, just lousing it.
Im then teleported AGAIN to the Empire State Building in NYC, only its not the Empire State Building. It has a modern feel to it and my scar is not such a big issue, although I still have that impending doom feeling. Im with my mother, stepfather, and sister and we decide to go all the way to the top. Keep in mind I am extremely terrified of heights. Instead of elevators there are groups of weird escalators going at varying speeds and angles. I louse my mother and sister first, and then eventually my stepdad. I come to this set of escalators and somehow know that if I go up this one, I will never come down alive. I do it anyway and it is very steep. Once I get to the top I get really scared because when I look up there are 10,000's of escalators all in a maze pattern. I think O GOD there are way to many, and I fall. I then woke up. 

I know longgg dream right?
I still can"t get it out of my head, but here is what I think it means.
I read that if you dream about surgery it means that you need to "cut out" or eliminate something from your life, so that might relate. A big part of my dream was the scar aspect and that is supposed to mean that you either have deep-seeded insecurities which may be holding you back from accomplishing your goals, or have struggles or painful memories that have never entirely healed. Im thinking its the first one however. I also found the morphine part pretty interesting. Since it was a medical thing, not really druggy, it is supposed to mean that I am looking for an emotional uplift. Now that sounds like a load of bull but also it can mean that you need to "inject" more energy into your life. 
The part about the heights refers that Im am striving for goals that seem beyond my reach. Moving up escalators symbolize that I am addressing and confronting emotional issues.

SO I am taking away that all of this means that I need to eliminate a problem in my life, stop being insecure, and put more energy into my lazy ass life. As for the Empire State Building part, I am thinking that Im trying to reach this goal and confront issues, but it just gets to be too much, and too big, so I fall. 

Anyways if anyone has more insight on this feel free to comment, and I will try to post more often also.