
Sunday, November 14, 2010

Movie Reviews: Morning Glory

As many of you have guessed, I love me some movies. Action, comedy, drama, romance ect. I just don't like romantic comedies... Theres just something about the OOPS love is sooo funny and Im so quirky but this person likes me anyways giggle tee he he, business that is STUPID. But as for a romantic comedy goes, this one wasn't that bad, I mean there were some moments when I wanted to throw up at the sappiness, but it wasn't a continuing nausea through the whole film that some movies have, SUCH AS:

Oh god this movie is probably one of the worst movies I have ever seen... oh god, oh god, back to...

From going in I hoped that there would be some music on track that actually didn't want to make me groan loudly and scream at the screen, perhaps maybe an oasis reference... yes yes? NO it was all "girl power" Im awesome, pop culture hits, and that slow piano romantic crap when the story gets "sad"... but that was my biggest complaint. The acting was great, I thought, Harrison Ford was good, so was Rachel McAdams and Diane Keaton. The middle parts were REALLY FUNNY. The ending you could see coming from 948793 miles away and predictable. BUT still an overall great romantic comedy if you like that stuff. On a scale of one to good, its a good. Stay tuned for next weekends review of HARRY POTTER! I am sooooo excited, on a scale of 1 to excited out of my mind, I am CRAZY EXCITED.

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