
Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Dreaming of Concert Tickets

UGHHH, I have been trying to win concert tickets ALL DAY. Nothing is working. I might just have to crack down and buy some myself. Probably why I haven't won yet is because I was in school half the day and romantic couples and crowds of people block the doorways so I can't get to my car and turn on the DAMN radio so I can go see Florence and the Machine's sold out show AND an acoustic session. CURSE YOU. But, I signed up for this thing so the radio station texts me and tells me when to call. BUT EVEN THEN I only have a tiny tiny chance of winning because EVERYONE under the damn sun wants to go.

BLAH, well anyway, someone should do something about the formatting on Blogger, it keeps screwing up the text and my pictures. PEOPLE NEED TO FIX IT


God this has been an angry post, sorry for the negative energy my friends. 
Lets brighten it up a bit and talk about the majesty of DREAMING.

I read this article about "astral projections" or conscious dreaming and supposedly it can be done. You just have to lay down, not move anything and let your body fool itself into thinking your'e dreaming so you become "safety paralyzed". THEN you have to separate from your paralyzed-physical body into your "astral" or dream body. If you move your actual body then you "wake up" and you can't move.
Now have had this happen to me before and is insane. You can't move or breath in some cases. This happens to me about once every two months.
Anyways if you move past this scary shit, you can move around in your "dream body" and do whatever the hell you want. SUCH AS:
Looking into the sky and seeing fun colors.
Having Sex with anyone
Speaking with Movie Stars
Pretty much anything your conscious brain can think of: LIKE INCEPTION. HAHA JUST KIDDING
But, that would be some awesome shit
The only thing you can't do apparently is look in a mirror... I'm not sure why? Can someone tell me why because I really want to know...... Im thinking it has something to do with fantasy vs. reality, or because mirrors are just creepy/trippy in the first place.
I think Ill try this tonight and see how it goes. Ill let you know what happens. Ill try not to look in a mirror, or maybe I will and find out. WISH ME LUCK

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