
Sunday, October 31, 2010

House+Family Guy= Lili?

I basacally watch 7 TV shows on TV/Hulu the night after on a regular basis. THEY ARE, Saturday Night Live, The Office, Community, Project Runway, Glee, Family Guy, and House. Saturday night is pretty funny and something I watch on Hulu on Sunday. The Office, I also watch on Hulu, Same goes for community, Project Runway I DVR and It ended this week so thats basically out. 
That leaves Family Guy and House

I know the contrast of those shows together just made your head explode, they are just so different, how can anybody love both of them at the same time? The answer: I don't know. JUST LET ME LIVE MY LIFE.  
I have some unhealthy obsessions for each show and I can't figure out which one I absolutely love more. LETS COMPARE


I LOVE HOUSE. That phrase should be repeated screamed off of a tall building in order to get the full effect. Its just so..... AMAZING. It has everything, romance, drama, mysteries, medical things, humor, all rolled into one. Anything you could EVER ask for, its there. I have seen every episode, and when I say every episode, I AM NOT exaggerating, I have seasons 1-6 on DVD. Yes I am a loser, but a happy house loving one. I love all the medical mysteries his humor. Probably the best change they ever made to the series was when they got rid of cameron. I HATED her character towards the end. OOWOW she made me mad. I also love the team this season. Dr. Chase is the hottest man alive AND he is australian (added bonus), Dr. Forman who is just there and has some comedy + drama that goes to his character and 13 who I LOVE LOVE LOVE but is gone for some reason and I CANT wait and see the drama when she comes back. Plus House and Cuddy are together which is awesome and no longer frustrating.

Family Guy
Well this show is impossibly different than House, BUT STILL. Super funny. Yes I realize it can be offensive, but hilariously offensive, GOOD STUFF. I like how one episode is totally different from the other and it has almost no plot. I also can't get enough of Peter's flashbacks. LOLZ. I basically sit at my computer screen with a huge stupid smile through the whole episode because I find it so funny. HAHA
STORY: I was playing "Just Dance" on the wiii awkwardly yesterday when I resized they had "Surfin' Bird" on it. Now if your a family guy fan like me you will get this reference but i have provided a link below to get it. ANYWAY, I had some sort of laugh attack. I know what your thinking, best story ever told and I should probably tell it at parties. Oh don't worry, I know.

House + Family Guy= BEST STUFF EVER

Let me just say, this episode made my life. Enough said. 

So, Which Television show do I like better? The world may never know. 

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